Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Hosemobile: The evolutionary link between math rock, jazz, and jambands

If you were to ask me what kinds of music I listen to, I'd tell you "Math rock, jazz, and some jam band stuff" which, even for me, seems like a pretty fucking random combo. So one day I was dicking around youtube and I came across this. It wasn't the most complex 'math rock', not even close. It wasn't jazz either, nor was it a jam. To describe this band, within my limited understanding and lexicon, i'd say it was a mashup that flowed from the ear-tricking, odd timed grooves (that I love about 'math rock' so much), to a unique timbre that oozed from their sound; jazz-esque. Finally they have this intangible jam band quality. Even though their songs are highly structured (like a math rock tune) they have this 'Talking heads' and 'Phish' quality to their music due to the spoken vocals and the Composed > jam > composed structure of some of their songs. Not only this, but they effortlessly transcend genres, tempo, and mood/feel multiple times within a song, much like a jam band. Anyway, I was surprised to find out that this somewhat forgotten, under appreciated, obscure band used to tour and play festivals with another favorite band of mine, 'Scheligo', a funky jazz group. This personal discovery was actually reassuring to me (in a weird way) because this band is a link between the types of music I listen to; all of which seem to have nothing to do with each other. This mid to late 90's band is one of those hidden treasures, and if you listen to the same music as me, maybe you'll understand where i'm coming from when I say these guys are a missing evolutionary link in the super organism that is music.

Check out The Hosemobile on Youtube, or below on Archive.

Live at the Cornerpocket
Live at HoDown Festival 1999

The Grindwheel 
Her Hand

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